An Ode to the Past
Today I want to talk about self-care.
Exactly what is it? Drinking your water? Why of course. Meditating? Sure. Getting a relaxing facial? Definitely.
But the older I get I’m realizing self-care is believing in yourself. You can do all of those things and still feel inadequate deep down inside. I’ve struggled with feelings of inadequacy my entire life. Lacking confidence in myself to do exactly what I needed to do. At some points in my life, it was very self-defeating and I missed out on opportunities that could have benefited me greatly. The journey of navigating into my own person was very hard. I spent so much time alone thinking, in deep meditation, fasting, and cleansing. Some would say I was going through a depression, and they could be right. But I believe it was an awakening and I’m so proud of the person that came out on the other side.
Some people’s “depression” lasts longer than others, and that’s okay. It just means that you need more time to figure out who you are and what you want to do in this school called life. Don’t let feelings of somberness defeat you. Digest those feelings and really FEEL them. At times it may feel that life is passing you by and it may very well be because time is continuous and you must take action NOW. You must do the work to be great and nothing worth it comes easy. I’m just writing to let anyone who reads this to know that this too shall pass. Be great and always be yourSELF.
Love Bree Aesthetics.